Just a fan site. Looking for official stuff? Try microware.com.

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/dd/vendors OS-9 Vendors
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This page will ultimately serve as an index to all known OS-9 hardware and software vendors.


  • RadiSys (Microware Communication Software Division)


  • ADS
  • Gespac
  • Intel

home action appnotes consultants history links os-9 al systems vendors

Site contents © 2001-2002 by Allen Huffman. OS-9 and all related trademarks belong to Microware Systems Corporation (or, I guess, RadiSys since they now own Microware). This site has no affiliation with Microware (or RadiSys). While I would like to think that every bit of information on this site is accurate, most likely there are many errors. If you need official information about anything discussed here, go to the manufacturer. I'm just an end user who enjoys the product. Peace.