Sub-Etha Software
"In Support of the CoCo, OS-9...and PERL?" |
There have been 3 visitors online within the past 24 hours
Welcome to a totally thrown together web page for my old company, Sub-Etha
Software. The company was originally formed in 1990 as a partnership between
myself, Allen Huffman, and Terry Todd. To see more on the history of Sub-Etha,
view this old
web page.
This page is a temporary holding spot for some PERL CGI scripts I have been
working on lately. If you find any of them interesting or useful, please
let me know. Thanks!
Featured Scripts:
- (Updated! 2/7/2004) Whos On Now? v1.2
- (I don't know... THIRD BASE!) this script replaces a service like AddFreeStats'
In Live! by giving you a count of how many visitors are currently on
your site. The script will log every access by IP address and time stamp,
then output how many visitors have loaded that page within a specified amount
of time. It will display either "There is/are X visitor(s) currently
on the site." or "There have/has been X visitor(s)s within the
past Y second(s)/minute(s)/hour(s)." with the appropriate
pluralization (visitor/visitors, minutes/minute, seconds/second). Even AddFreeStats
doesn't do that! The new
1.2 release supports hours ("last 24 hours" or "last 1 hour and 30 minutes").
- (NEW!
9/8/2001) Points v1.0 - this
simple script may be of interest to dieters. It calculates the "point
value" of various food items based on calories, fat, and fiber.
- (Updated! 8/8/2001) Borderlines v1.1
- based on an old rotating quote system from a BBS package in the 1980s, this
cute little script allows site visitors to post one-liners which you can display
randomly on one of your pages (requires SSI). IP address is logged and there
is a special admin mode to view the complete set of borderlines including
IP address. SysOp can now delete entries, too. I like this one!
- (NEW! 8/4/2001) Guess Game - a simple
CGI game I wrote the other night to practice PERL. You can configure the script
to a range (1-10, 1-1000) and then the user tries to guess the magic random
number. Heh.
Coming Soon:
- Counter - yep, yet another counter. this one will not only give a
listing of total hits, hits this month, hits this week and hits today, but
it will also support a more flexible IP cache so you can say "don't count
anyone who has been here in the past X minutes/hours". By setting that
to a 24 hour period, it suddenly becomes a "daily visitor" counter.
Should be fun.
- Revealing - a trivial script that shows information about your site
visitor (IP address, browser type, etc.). Boring.
- Login - the first in a series of PERL "modules" to simulate
features found in the old 1980s BBS packages. This one will initially be a
registration and login component. Using a cookie, the visitor will be greeted
by name when they return. Other modules will make use of this system for their
features meaning you won't have five different scripts requiring five different
registrations :-)
- ...and more!
Full site content coming soon... -- Allen

(the 2nd version of our logo from around 1992)

(the new version of our logo, work in progress 2001)
65,836 visits (23 today, 234 this week, 814 this
month, 3,296 this year) [58 yesterday. Best day was 115
[R)eturn to main menu [V)isit
contents copyright © 2001-2002 by allen
c. huffman