#!/usr/bin/perl############################################ Boderlines v1.0 by Allen C. Huffman ## Copyright (C) 2001 by Sub-Etha Software ## FREEWARE! ## subetha@pobox.com ## http://disneyfans.com/subetha ############################################## You may do whatever you want with this code, provided you put a comment in that# says "Baseed on" (or similar) and my original copyright notice above.## Revision History:## 2001/08/04 1.0 Initial (working) version.### Max number of borderlines to store.#$max = 10;## Where do we send the user when they are done? This can also be passed in# from a form using a hidden field with a name of "returnURL" and the# value set to the page such as "value=http://yourdomain.com/yourpage.htm".#$return_URL = "http://yourdomain.com/yourpage.htm";## Specify the path/name to where the borderline data file will be stored.#$datafile_path = "seborderlines.dat";## Location/name of this script... Hopefully you won't have to change# this, but if you do it should be something like "/cgi-bin/seborderlines.cgi"# or wherever your script is and whatever it is called...#$this_script = "$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}";###################################################################################### Begin processing... Nothing below this line needs to be modified.## parse any items passed in by a form or as parameters or something&ReadParse;# see if we have a special mode to work with$mode = $in{'mode'};# If they pass one in from a form, we'll use it instead$returnURL = $in{'returnURL'};if ( $returnURL ) { $return_URL = $returnURL;}## If no parameters then just show a random borderline.#if (!$in){ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; # open the data file unless ( open(FILE, $datafile_path) ) { print "There are no borderlines, yet."; exit(0); } # read borderlines into an array @borderlines = ; # get number of borderlines $entries = scalar(@borderlines); # print a random borderline $random = int(rand($entries)); # 1.1 removed +1 since arrays are base 0 $line = @borderlines[$random]; # get rid of IP address in front of borderline ($ipaddr, $message) = split( /\|/, $line, 2); # print the borderline print $message; # close the file close(FILE); # then we exit exit(0);}## mode=sysop## SysOp "view all" mode. This generates a full HTML page.# In the future this will have the ability to edit or delete entries.#if ($mode eq "sysop"){ &do_top; # 1==sysop mode &do_showborderlines(1); &do_end; exit(0);}## mode=view# Thise mode is for showing the borderline listing inline.#if ($mode eq "view"){ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; &do_showborderlines; exit(0);}## mode=add# List borderlines and allow adding a new one. This generates a full HTML page.#if ($mode eq "add"){ &do_top; print "

Welcome to Sub-Etha Software's BORDERLINES!

\n"; &do_showborderlines; &do_form; $ip = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; print "

NOTE: Your IP address of $ip will be logged.\n"; &do_end; exit(0);}## If we have a message passed in, place it in the borderline file.## get the user's borderline message$message = $in{'message'};# the format will be something like this:## message=This+is+the+message...## get rid of invalid stuff from the messageif ($message) { # get rid of trailing carraige return chomp $message; # filter out HTML tags $message =~ s/<[^>]*>//g;}## (continued)# okay, NOW see if we have something to put in the file...#if ($message) { # open data file for read/write if ( open(FILE, "+<$datafile_path") ) { @borderlines = ; # seek back to start of file seek (FILE,0,0); # erase the old junk in the file truncate(FILE,0); } else { # create a new empty file if we have to open( FILE,"+>$datafile_path") || die ("Unable to create file.\n" ); } # add IP to message $ip = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; $temp = "$ip|$message"; $message = $temp; # add new message to the top unshift (@borderlines, $message); # get rid of any excess messages (over our storage limit). while ( @borderlines>$max ) { pop @borderlines; } foreach $line ( @borderlines ) { chomp( $line ); print FILE "$line\n"; } close(FILE);}## If here, we don't know why were were called, so just redirect...## send browser to return page.print "Location: $return_URL\n\n"; exit(0);##################################################################################### subroutines...#sub do_showborderlines{ # get number of arguments passed in my $argc = @_; my $sysop = shift @_; unless ( open(FILE, $datafile_path) ) { print "

There are no borderlines yet.

\n"; return; } # read borderlines into an array @borderlines = ; $entries = scalar(@borderlines); print "

There are $entries borderlines right now:

\n"; $count=0; foreach $line ( @borderlines ) { $count++; ($ipaddr,$message) = split( /\|/, $line, 2); print "
$count. "; if ( $sysop ) { print "[$ipaddr] "; } print "$message
\n"; } close(FILE);}sub do_top{ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "Sub-Etha's BORDERLINES...\n";}sub do_end{ print "\n";}sub do_form{print <

Enter your own borderline:

EOF}########################################################################################## Adapted from cgi-lib.pl by S.E.Brenner@bioc.cam.ac.uk### Copyright 1994 Steven E. Brennersub ReadParse {local (*in) = @_ if @_;local ($i, $key, $val);### replaced his MethGet functionif ( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET" ) { $in = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};} elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { read(STDIN,$in,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});} else { # Added for command line debugging # Supply name/value form data as a command line argument # Format: name1=value1\&name2=value2\&... # (need to escape & for shell) # Find the first argument that's not a switch (-) $in = ( grep( !/^-/, @ARGV )) [0]; $in =~ s/\\&/&/g;}@in = split(/&/,$in);foreach $i (0 .. $#in) { # Convert plus's to spaces $in[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g; # Split into key and value. ($key, $val) = split(/=/,$in[$i],2); # splits on the first =. # Convert %XX from hex numbers to alphanumeric $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; # Associate key and value. \0 is the multiple separator $in{$key} .= "\0" if (defined($in{$key})); $in{$key} .= $val; } return length($in);}