Just a fan site. Looking for official stuff? Try microware.com.

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65,831 visits (18 today, 229 this week, 809 this month, 3,291 this year) [58 yesterday. Best day was 115 visitors]

There have been 44 users logged in within the past 24 hours

(older MOTDs)

It lives! posted by admin

May 24, 2019 3:33:23 PM -- I thought I'd make a quick update to this site. I will probably be converting it over to a generic WordPress blog at some point. I'll bring over all my articles as best as I can.

And, new content, most likely...

2070 Yahoo group. posted by admin

February 28, 2005 5:29:15 PM -- OS-9 is used in the Caltrans 2070 traffic controller, and there is an OS-9 group for developers who want to talk about it:


Re-employment... posted by admin

November 17, 2004 6:40:54 PM -- Just a quick personal update... In November 2003 I started contracting with RadiSys, the owner of Microware's OS-9 product line. As of a month ago I am now fulltime employed, and doing OS-9 work. What a long, strange trip it's been.

OS-9 news as I get it, but my participation here will be limited due to conflict of interest. I am thinking of setting up a MediaWiki to let folks contribute information (so I don't have to!)... We shall see.

Microware Reunion - coming up soon! posted by admin

July 22, 2004 12:25:53 PM -- Attention all former Microware folks -- the reunion is next month in Des Moines, Iowa. See this site for details:


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Read older news postings.

Welcome to OS-9 Al's InfoPages. This web site is a collection of various resources for the OS-9 operating system from Microware. If you came here looking for information on Mac OS 9 please let me know how your found this page.

Major Points of Interest:
Action OS-9 in action
App Notes new: OS-9 "how to" information.
Consultants OS-9 consultants/programmers
History A brief history of OS-9
Links OS-9 internet resources
OS-9 Al Who is this OS-9 Al guy, anyway?
Systems (in)Famous OS-9 systems
Vendors OS-9 hardware/software vendors

If you work with OS-9 or know of an interesting place it is being used, please let me know about it. Thanks -- OS-9 Al

Former Microware employee? Join our group.
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A message from OS-9 Al...

July 18th, 2001 - Welcome to my new site! As of today, I am no longer employed with Microware which gives me the freedom to go back to doing something that I really enjoyed: being an OS-9 hobbyist! Welcome to my new site. I hope you find the information here useful. My goal is to let this site become a portal to all OS-9 knowledge on the web. Your first stop, of course, should always be the official Microware Systems Corporation home page. Thanks for stopping by! -- OS-9 Al

Non OS-9 Pages: Samsung i500 PalmOS PDA Phone, One Shot 360 Lenses, Sub-Etha Software.

home action appnotes consultants history links os-9 al systems vendors

Site contents © 2001-2002 by Allen Huffman. OS-9 and all related trademarks belong to Microware Systems Corporation (or, I guess, RadiSys since they now own Microware). This site has no affiliation with Microware (or RadiSys). While I would like to think that every bit of information on this site is accurate, most likely there are many errors. If you need official information about anything discussed here, go to the manufacturer. I'm just an end user who enjoys the product. Peace.